Friday, January 22, 2010


Yesterday evening, after rushing to the Hotel de l'Abbaye to sign more documents for that stupid lender in San Francisco, I meandered among the throngs of people,down the rue de Buci, to the apartment of a fascinating American acquaintance, Blake. His art filled apartment is on a beautiful quai. The view of the Seine with the lights of the Louvre on the other bank is Paris at its best. Dinner was to be prepared by an American ex-pat. The invitation was for around 7:30PM, but typically French, the guests didn't begin to arrive until well after 8:00. God forbid someone should be the first to arrive. There were 10 of us seated at 2 round tables. On my right was a conceptual artist who's career is climbing, and my left a young art consultant. Conversation was stimulating. The Boeuf Bourgignon delicious, lots of good red wine and an apple pie dessert. The evening ended at past midnight. Upon arriving in the apartment, there again was an email requesting I go to the hotel the first thing in the morning and sign some more damned documents to be sent to LA. Not the greatest way to get a good night's rest. In fact I awakened at 5:45; unable to go back to sleep. Thank God my dinner tonight was cancelled. Laurent flew off to Rome and forgot all about it. Always a surprise at every turn.


  1. Hi Larry,
    Great to read this blog. For all these years I have known you, I did not know you could write so well. But be careful and don't be mean with Parisians now that you are leaving! I'll be watching!
    Congratulations for this blog.

  2. Hi Larry,
    It is really great to read this blog, I can't wait for the book to be published. I trust you are not too sad to be leaving your Paris appartment, lovely though it was. I also hope this doesn't bring your European trips to an end as it would be good to catch up in London on one of your future visits to the UK. Enjoy the rest of your stay.
    Richard (and Stephanie)

  3. Didier: As I have always said; "Parisiens have a politesse that does not exist in New York.

    Richard: I intend to return to Europe but just a little less frequently.
