Monday, July 19, 2010


Variety! It keeps the blood flowing. There was plenty of it this past week. Why oh why didn't I do it before? I had an epidermal on Monday. Finally after years, the pain is gone. Not the thrill is gone - the pain is gone. On the 14th there was a small dinner at Le Petit Bistro given for DH celebrating his 50th birthday and coincidentally Bastille Day. Just 4 of us. Then what with me having physical therapy, piano and French lessons and M going to UCLA studying Architectural Landscaping, it was an interesting week. Even had a big quarterly meeting at the bank (where does all the money go?). The topper was DH's big birthday party (like the Queen celebrates all week) given by his partner BH at their art filled abode in Hancock Park. Lots of very good champagne and a tasty dinner served in the garden. Thirty five happy guests toasted and celebrated. There were warm, emotional speeches by D and B that brought a tear to my old "Irish" eye. And you thought Variety was only a Hollywood trade paper. It is the spice of life - as if you didn't already know that.

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