Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The week began on Sunday last with a dinner here at home. JP, a lovely and very vivacious lady I've known for many years and who is always a joy to be around, MC, M's good friend who is a lady that is a true free spirit, B & S, husband and wife who are indirectly responsible for my meeting MM, and are warm and wonderful. Yes, old friends. "What d'ya say old friends?" (Sondheim). The next evening I dined at Etoile with DG, a good and giving friend, followed by an evening spent with MG, whom I hadn't seen in 14 yrs and it was as though it was yesterday. He was visiting here from Kansas City and was funny and spirited as ever. To begin the weekend there was dinner at Trio in Palm Springs with four friends (yes, again, friends) and the following night a Luau given by DG and her partner C. DG was my sister's partner for 8 years. I call her my ex-brother in law. Sunday JR celebrated his 88th birthday and there were four of us for brunch at Spencer's in Palm Springs. Just friends.

Friday, October 8, 2010


This past week was filled with Events. We belong to a Documentary club. A film is shown each month to members at a home that can accomodate 40 or so persons watching it on big screen TV's. The past one was at PK's contemporary house. Buffet dinner, wine and the movie. Next night it was off to the Member's opening of the new Resnik Pavilion at LACMA. Absolutely first rate building designed by I.M. Pei. Three rooms of exhibition. OLMEC, Impressionist paintings and Period Costume. My favorite being the costume exhibit which outshines anything I have seen in Paris, in regards to restoration, placement, mannequins and lighting. As far as I am concerned the French just don't get lighting in museums. Guests were entertained under a huge tent with dinner and drinks. Following evening was dinner at the restaurant EVA with B & D. We were the liveliest table in the place with the food and wine flowing. Sunday afternoon was a benefit for the upcoming Los Angeles Modernist Museum given at an Eames owned and simply designed house - with a killer view of the Pacific ocean. And then, other than my usual gym, dentist, physical therapy, piano lesson, French lessons, DG gave a rainy Wednesday lunch of good soup and sandwiches. You may not believe this but M and I spend the majority of evenings at home. But now and then "we dip".